Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today I was able to finish my requirements!! I scheduled a family with 4 kids to come in. Of course they tried to cancel on me but I wouldn't have it! :) I hate having requirements because it is so stressful to make sure that we get someone with the right classification. I understand that we need the experiences but it's not fun finding what we need. I am so excited because we only have 1 more clinic day left!! I finished my last day at the VA yesterday. I won't miss the few weeks that we have off. I have my brother in law coming in for the last clinic day and I'm hoping to pass of a couple more PE's so I can get a little ahead for next semester.


  1. Brooke
    You are so awesome. Wait to not take no for an answer, that is the way it is done:) Yeah I agree that finding the right classifications for clinic is the most stressful part of school right now. I just keep thinking of next semester when we need to find two mockboards and a board patient. I hope that we can all find great patients!:)

  2. I can't believe that you had 4 kids come in and you finished them. You are crazy and my hero. I really hate requirement too. I still need 1 kid and lots of class III and IV quads. I also hate the other requirements that we have to do like 2 diagnodent experiences. Really, how will they track that? I really don't know how I am going to graduate especially since I can't convince Prof. Perry to give me a class III.

  3. The kids were the hardest part of passing off my requirements! I just barely finished as well!
